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Mind Control sur la population américaine des preuves sur documents

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Mind Control sur la population américaine des preuves sur documents Empty Mind Control sur la population américaine des preuves sur documents

Message par MichelT Ven 28 Déc 2012 - 15:01

Un reportage d`enquete sur l`utilisation du Mind Control aux USA avec des preuves concluantes.

D`abord le Mind Control a été utilisé en Iraq en 1991 et explique le fait que les irakiens se rendaient en masse sans résistance.

Le Mind Control est utilisé actuellement pour cibler des gens probablement par le réseau micro-onde des tours GWEN de télécommunication.

Un scientifique qui a travaillé sur le projet - donne des informations - On voit bien que cet homme a été utilisé et que il a peur pour sa vie -Il dit que il est trop tard pour arreter la machine et le but est le controle total - meme chose pour l`informateur.

Ce réseau est utilisé par le gouvernement invisible - quel est ce gouvernement invisible dans le gouvernement américain? Possiblement les réseaux occultes judéo-maconniques - il est aussi probablement possible de pousser une cible a tuer par Mind Control, ce qui pourrait expliquer certaines tueries de "Lone Nut"? Les informateurs semblent dire que ce n`est pas le gouvernement officiel - soit directement les politiciens comme Obama mais des gens qui sont en réseaux a l`extérieur et l`intérieur du gouvernement.

Le Mind Control est la suite des projets MK-ULTRA.

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Ne pas oublier meme si cela n`est pas abordé dans ce reportage - l`intéret et la participation de satanistes dans ces recherches - le Lt-Colonel Michael Aquino - fondateur de l`Église satanique de Seth et ayant eu des liens étroits avec Anton Levay de l`Église de Satan en Californie était un des spécialistes militaires travaillant sur la doctrine de Mind Control dans les années 1980.

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Date d'inscription : 06/02/2010

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Message par jaimedieu Ven 28 Déc 2012 - 16:25

J'ai regardé cette vidéo et plusieurs questions me sont venues à l'esprit. Comment se fait-il que les personnes dénonçant ces choses soient encore vivantes y compris l'homme qui déclare avoir travaillé sur ce projet? Comment se fait-il que Ventura lui-même ne soit pas "victime" de ces ondes? Pourquoi n'a-t-on pas utilisé cette "arme" pour gagner en Afghanistan si cela a été utilisé en Irak? Finalement, ce type d'émission n'est-t-elle pas faite pour justement inculquer la suspicion, voire la paranoïa envers le gouvernement? Je ne nie pas que certaines expériences sont faites par la C.I.A., celles qui sont citées dans les années 50 et 60 ont même eues des répercussions ici:
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mais je doute fort que des personnes haut placées acceptent de parler dans une émission comme celle-là et que surtout, le gouvernement le permette sans conséquences! Les "témoins" disent qu'ils vivent cela parce qu'ils ont été en contact avec une ou l'autre des instances gouvernementales. Je doute que ce soit cela, par exemple lorsque l'on parle du mouvement "occupy Wall Street" les personnes qui étaient sur place ont été simplement dispersées par les autorités et non parce qu'elles souffraient.
Par contre, je crois que les émissions "micro-ondes" peuvent être nocives. Il est fort possible que ces personnes, pour une raison ou pour une autre, soient incommodées par l'émission de ces ondes. D'ailleurs,l'un des témoins admet que lorsqu'il est dans les bois, il ne ressent plus ces émissions. Lorsque le preneur de son capte des "interférences", c'est tout à fait probable, puisqu'il se trouve très près d'une tour à émissions. Mais de là à penser à un contrôle "massif" de la population...à voir tous les points sur la carte, il y aurait des milliers de gens qui se plaindraient publiquement, surtout après un tel reportage!

Féminin Date d'inscription : 02/03/2011
Age : 67
Localisation : Montréal, Québec Canada

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Message par MichelT Ven 28 Déc 2012 - 16:48

Le Mind Control existe - il y a des document pour le prouver. Il y a eu plusieurs auteurs qui ont étudié ce sujet tres classifié depuis 1970.

Pourquoi le scientifique parle t`il - peut-etre par regret d`avoir été utilisé - en tout cas sa peur me semble réelle -

On peut trouver sur le net le document de recherche du LTC AQUINO et de l`autre officier haut-placé sur le Mind Control datant des années 80 - une preuve formelle de l`intéret des satanistes pour le Mind Control et la guerre psychologique. Aquino a fini Général dans la réserve de l`armée américaine - Ce n`est pas un petit grade pour un sataniste - son nom est sortie lors de l`affaire des enfants abusés sexuellement au Nébraska et le nom de la base de Présidio en Californie - la sienne a été mentionnée.

La question de l`utilisation des armes en Irak versus Afghanistan - il est possible que la nature du terrain influence la propagation des ondes. Le désert étant un terrain plat idéal pour l`envoi massifs d`ondes ELF - L`Afghanistan et ses montagnes massives étant un obtacle a la propagation efficaces des ondes. (Une théorie possible)

Ce qui n`est pas trop connu est la capacité réelle de ces armes -
Des références sur ce sujet

Encyclopedia of Mind Control de Jim Keith - dans son livre il y a un document de Defence Intelligence Agency - psychotronic warfare - spiritual access datant de 1980- le livre retrace l`histoire du Mind Control incluant les recherches de Delgado sur des animaux a Harvard.

Operation Mind Control datant des années 70 par Walter Bowart.

Voici un article technique d`une revue militaire américaine a ce sujet

"The Mind Has No Firewall" Army article on psychotronic weapons
July 1st, 2009

The following article is from the US military publication Parameters, subtitled “US Army War College Quarterly.” It describes itself as “The United States Army’s Senior Professional Journal.” [Click here to read a crucial excerpt.]

“The Mind Has No Firewall” by Timothy L. Thomas. Parameters, Spring 1998, pp. 84-92.

The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral nervous system, the signals sent from the cortex region of the brain to other parts of our body, the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that process auditory signals, and the light-sensitive retina and cornea of the eye that process visual activity.[2] We are on the threshold of an era in which these data processors of the human body may be manipulated or debilitated. Examples of unplanned attacks on the body’s data-processing capability are well-documented. Strobe lights have been known to cause epileptic seizures. Not long ago in Japan, children watching television cartoons were subjected to pulsating lights that caused seizures in some and made others very sick.
Defending friendly and targeting adversary data-processing capabilities of the body appears to be an area of weakness in the US approach to information warfare theory, a theory oriented heavily toward systems data-processing and designed to attain information dominance on the battlefield. Or so it would appear from information in the open, unclassified press. This US shortcoming may be a serious one, since the capabilities to alter the data- processing systems of the body already exist. A recent edition of U.S. News and World Report highlighted several of these “wonder weapons” (acoustics, microwaves, lasers) and noted that scientists are “searching the electromagnetic and sonic spectrums for wavelengths that can affect human behavior.”[3] A recent Russian military article offered a slightly different slant to the problem, declaring that “humanity stands on the brink of a psychotronic war” with the mind and body as the focus. That article discussed Russian and international attempts to control the psycho-physical condition of man and his decisionmaking processes by the use of VHF-generators, “noiseless cassettes,” and other technologies.

An entirely new arsenal of weapons, based on devices designed to introduce subliminal messages or to alter the body’s psychological and data-processing capabilities, might be used to incapacitate individuals. These weapons aim to control or alter the psyche, or to attack the various sensory and data-processing systems of the human organism. In both cases, the goal is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body in equilibrium.

This article examines energy-based weapons, psychotronic weapons, and other developments designed to alter the ability of the human body to process stimuli. One consequence of this assessment is that the way we commonly use the term “information warfare” falls short when the individual soldier, not his equipment, becomes the target of attack.

Information Warfare Theory and the Data-Processing Element of Humans

In the United States the common conception of information warfare focuses primarily on the capabilities of hardware systems such as computers, satellites, and military equipment which process data in its various forms. According to Department of Defense Directive S-3600.1 of 9 December 1996, information warfare is defined as “an information operation conducted during time of crisis or conflict to achieve or promote specific objectives over a specific adversary or adversaries.” An information operation is defined in the same directive as “actions taken to affect adversary information and information systems while defending one’s own information and information systems.” These “information systems” lie at the heart of the modernization effort of the US armed forces and other countries, and manifest themselves as hardware, software, communications capabilities, and highly trained individuals. Recently, the US Army conducted a mock battle that tested these systems under simulated combat conditions.
US Army Field Manual 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Graphics (released 30 September 1997), defines information warfare as “actions taken to achieve information superiority by affecting a hostile’s information, information based-processes, and information systems, while defending one’s own information, information processes, and information systems.” The same manual defines information operations as a “continuous military operation within the military information environment that enables, enhances, and protects friendly forces’ ability to collect, process, and act on information to achieve an advantage across the full range of military operations. [Information operations include] interacting with the Global Information Environment . . . and exploiting or denying an adversary’s information and decision capabilities.”[4]

This “systems” approach to the study of information warfare emphasizes the use of data, referred to as information, to penetrate an adversary’s physical defenses that protect data (information) in order to obtain operational or strategic advantage. It has tended to ignore the role of the human body as an information- or data-processor in this quest for dominance except in those cases where an individual’s logic or rational thought may be upset via disinformation or deception. As a consequence little attention is directed toward protecting the mind and body with a firewall as we have done with hardware systems. Nor have any techniques for doing so been prescribed. Yet the body is capable not only of being deceived, manipulated, or misinformed but also shut down or destroyed–just as any other data-processing system. The “data” the body receives from external sources–such as electromagnetic, vortex, or acoustic energy waves–or creates through its own electrical or chemical stimuli can be manipulated or changed just as the data (information) in any hardware system can be altered.

The only body-related information warfare element considered by the United States is psychological operations (PSYOP). In Joint Publication 3-13.1, for example, PSYOP is listed as one of the elements of command and control warfare. The publication notes that “the ultimate target of [information warfare] is the information dependent process, whether human or automated . . . . Command and control warfare (C2W) is an application of information warfare in military operations. . . . C2W is the integrated use of PSYOP, military deception, operations security, electronic warfare and physical destruction.”[5]

One source defines information as a “nonaccidental signal used as an input to a computer or communications system.”[6] The human body is a complex communication system constantly receiving nonaccidental and accidental signal inputs, both external and internal. If the ultimate target of information warfare is the information-dependent process, “whether human or automated,” then the definition in the joint publication implies that human data-processing of internal and external signals can clearly be considered an aspect of information warfare. Foreign researchers have noted the link between humans as data processors and the conduct of information warfare. While some study only the PSYOP link, others go beyond it. As an example of the former, one recent Russian article described offensive information warfare as designed to “use the Internet channels for the purpose of organizing PSYOP as well as for `early political warning’ of threats to American interests.”[7] The author’s assertion was based on the fact that “all mass media are used for PSYOP . . . [and] today this must include the Internet.” The author asserted that the Pentagon wanted to use the Internet to “reinforce psychological influences” during special operations conducted outside of US borders to enlist sympathizers, who would accomplish many of the tasks previously entrusted to special units of the US armed forces.
Others, however, look beyond simple PSYOP ties to consider other aspects of the body’s data-processing capability. One of the principal open source researchers on the relationship of information warfare to the body’s data-processing capability is Russian Dr. Victor Solntsev of the Baumann Technical Institute in Moscow. Solntsev is a young, well-intentioned researcher striving to point out to the world the potential dangers of the computer operator interface. Supported by a network of institutes and academies, Solntsev has produced some interesting concepts.[8] He insists that man must be viewed as an open system instead of simply as an organism or closed system. As an open system, man communicates with his environment through information flows and communications media. One’s physical environment, whether through electromagnetic, gravitational, acoustic, or other effects, can cause a change in the psycho-physiological condition of an organism, in Solntsev’s opinion. Change of this sort could directly affect the mental state and consciousness of a computer operator. This would not be electronic war or information warfare in the traditional sense, but rather in a nontraditional and non-US sense. It might encompass, for example, a computer modified to become a weapon by using its energy output to emit acoustics that debilitate the operator. It also might encompass, as indicated below, futuristic weapons aimed against man’s “open system.”

Solntsev also examined the problem of “information noise,” which creates a dense shield between a person and external reality. This noise may manifest itself in the form of signals, messages, images, or other items of information. The main target of this noise would be the consciousness of a person or a group of people. Behavior modification could be one objective of information noise; another could be to upset an individual’s mental capacity to such an extent as to prevent reaction to any stimulus. Solntsev concludes that all levels of a person’s psyche (subconscious, conscious, and “superconscious”) are potential targets for destabilization.

According to Solntsev, one computer virus capable of affecting a person’s psyche is Russian Virus 666. It manifests itself in every 25th frame of a visual display, where it produces a combination of colors that allegedly put computer operators into a trance. The subconscious perception of the new pattern eventually results in arrhythmia of the heart. Other Russian computer specialists, not just Solntsev, talk openly about this “25th frame effect” and its ability to subtly manage a computer user’s perceptions. The purpose of this technique is to inject a thought into the viewer’s subconscious. It may remind some of the subliminal advertising controversy in the United States in the late 1950s.

US Views on “Wonder Weapons”: Altering the Data-Processing Ability of the Body

What technologies have been examined by the United States that possess the potential to disrupt the data-processing capabilities of the human organism? The 7 July 1997 issue of U.S. News and World Report described several of them designed, among other things, to vibrate the insides of humans, stun or nauseate them, put them to sleep, heat them up, or knock them down with a shock wave.[9] The technologies include dazzling lasers that can force the pupils to close; acoustic or sonic frequencies that cause the hair cells in the inner ear to vibrate and cause motion sickness, vertigo, and nausea, or frequencies that resonate the internal organs causing pain and spasms; and shock waves with the potential to knock down humans or airplanes and which can be mixed with pepper spray or chemicals.[10]

With modification, these technological applications can have many uses. Acoustic weapons, for example, could be adapted for use as acoustic rifles or as acoustic fields that, once established, might protect facilities, assist in hostage rescues, control riots, or clear paths for convoys. These waves, which can penetrate buildings, offer a host of opportunities for military and law enforcement officials. Microwave weapons, by stimulating the peripheral nervous system, can heat up the body, induce epileptic-like seizures, or cause cardiac arrest. Low-frequency radiation affects the electrical activity of the brain and can cause flu-like symptoms and nausea. Other projects sought to induce or prevent sleep, or to affect the signal from the motor cortex portion of the brain, overriding voluntary muscle movements. The latter are referred to as pulse wave weapons, and the Russian government has reportedly bought over 100,000 copies of the “Black Widow” version of them.[11]
However, this view of “wonder weapons” was contested by someone who should understand them. Brigadier General Larry Dodgen, Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Policy and Missions, wrote a letter to the editor about the “numerous inaccuracies” in the U.S. News and World Report article that “misrepresent the Department of Defense’s views.”[12] Dodgen’s primary complaint seemed to have been that the magazine misrepresented the use of these technologies and their value to the armed forces. He also underscored the US intent to work within the scope of any international treaty concerning their application, as well as plans to abandon (or at least redesign) any weapon for which countermeasures are known. One is left with the feeling, however, that research in this area is intense. A concern not mentioned by Dodgen is that other countries or non-state actors may not be bound by the same constraints. It is hard to imagine someone with a greater desire than terrorists to get their hands on these technologies. “Psycho-terrorism” could be the next buzzword.

Russian Views on “Psychotronic War”

The term “psycho-terrorism” was coined by Russian writer N. Anisimov of the Moscow Anti-Psychotronic Center. According to Anisimov, psychotronic weapons are those that act to “take away a part of the information which is stored in a man’s brain. It is sent to a computer, which reworks it to the level needed for those who need to control the man, and the modified information is then reinserted into the brain.” These weapons are used against the mind to induce hallucinations, sickness, mutations in human cells, “zombification,” or even death. Included in the arsenal are VHF generators, X-rays, ultrasound, and radio waves. Russian army Major I. Chernishev, writing in the military journal Orienteer in February 1997, asserted that “psy” weapons are under development all over the globe. Specific types of weapons noted by Chernishev (not all of which have prototypes) were:
A psychotronic generator, which produces a powerful electromagnetic emanation capable of being sent through telephone lines, TV, radio networks, supply pipes, and incandescent lamps.

An autonomous generator, a device that operates in the 10-150 Hertz band, which at the 10-20 Hertz band forms an infrasonic oscillation that is destructive to all living creatures.
A nervous system generator, designed to paralyze the central nervous systems of insects, which could have the same applicability to humans.
Ultrasound emanations, which one institute claims to have developed. Devices using ultrasound emanations are supposedly capable of carrying out bloodless internal operations without leaving a mark on the skin. They can also, according to Chernishev, be used to kill.
Noiseless cassettes. Chernishev claims that the Japanese have developed the ability to place infra-low frequency voice patterns over music, patterns that are detected by the subconscious. Russians claim to be using similar “bombardments” with computer programming to treat alcoholism or smoking.
The 25th-frame effect, alluded to above, a technique wherein each 25th frame of a movie reel or film footage contains a message that is picked up by the subconscious. This technique, if it works, could possibly be used to curb smoking and alcoholism, but it has wider, more sinister applications if used on a TV audience or a computer operator.
Psychotropics, defined as medical preparations used to induce a trance, euphoria, or depression. Referred to as “slow-acting mines,” they could be slipped into the food of a politician or into the water supply of an entire city. Symptoms include headaches, noises, voices or commands in the brain, dizziness, pain in the abdominal cavities, cardiac arrhythmia, or even the destruction of the cardiovascular system.

There is confirmation from US researchers that this type of study is going on. Dr. Janet Morris, coauthor of The Warrior’s Edge, reportedly went to the Moscow Institute of Psychocorrelations in 1991. There she was shown a technique pioneered by the Russian Department of Psycho-Correction at Moscow Medical Academy in which researchers electronically analyze the human mind in order to influence it. They input subliminal command messages, using key words transmitted in “white noise” or music. Using an infra-sound, very low frequency transmission, the acoustic psycho-correction message is transmitted via bone conduction.[13]
In summary, Chernishev noted that some of the militarily significant aspects of the “psy” weaponry deserve closer research, including the following nontraditional methods for disrupting the psyche of an individual:

ESP research: determining the properties and condition of objects without ever making contact with them and “reading” peoples’ thoughts
Clairvoyance research: observing objects that are located just beyond the world of the visible–used for intelligence purposes
Telepathy research: transmitting thoughts over a distance–used for covert operations
Telekinesis research: actions involving the manipulation of physical objects using thought power, causing them to move or break apart–used against command and control systems, or to disrupt the functioning of weapons of mass destruction
Psychokinesis research: interfering with the thoughts of individuals, on either the strategic or tactical level

While many US scientists undoubtedly question this research, it receives strong support in Moscow. The point to underscore is that individuals in Russia (and other countries as well) believe these means can be used to attack or steal from the data-processing unit of the human body.
Solntsev’s research, mentioned above, differs slightly from that of Chernishev. For example, Solntsev is more interested in hardware capabilities, specifically the study of the information-energy source associated with the computer-operator interface. He stresses that if these energy sources can be captured and integrated into the modern computer, the result will be a network worth more than “a simple sum of its components.” Other researchers are studying high-frequency generators (those designed to stun the psyche with high frequency waves such as electromagnetic, acoustic, and gravitational); the manipulation or reconstruction of someone’s thinking through planned measures such as reflexive control processes; the use of psychotronics, parapsychology, bioenergy, bio fields, and psychoenergy;[14] and unspecified “special operations” or anti-ESP training.
The last item is of particular interest. According to a Russian TV broadcast, the strategic rocket forces have begun anti-ESP training to ensure that no outside force can take over command and control functions of the force. That is, they are trying to construct a firewall around the heads of the operators.

At the end of July 1997, planners for Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration ’97 “focused on technologies that enhance real-time collaborative planning in a multinational task force of the type used in Bosnia and in Operation Desert Storm. The JWID ’97 network, called the Coalition Wide-Area Network (CWAN), is the first military network that allows allied nations to participate as full and equal partners.”[15] The demonstration in effect was a trade fair for private companies to demonstrate their goods; defense ministries got to decide where and how to spend their money wiser, in many cases without incurring the cost of prototypes. It is a good example of doing business better with less. Technologies demonstrated included:[16]

Soldiers using laptop computers to drag cross-hairs over maps to call in airstrikes
Soldiers carrying beepers and mobile phones rather than guns
Generals tracking movements of every unit, counting the precise number of shells fired around the globe, and inspecting real-time damage inflicted on an enemy, all with multicolored graphics[17]

Every account of this exercise emphasized the ability of systems to process data and provide information feedback via the power invested in their microprocessors. The ability to affect or defend the data-processing capability of the human operators of these systems was never mentioned during the exercise; it has received only slight attention during countless exercises over the past several years. The time has come to ask why we appear to be ignoring the operators of our systems. Clearly the information operator, exposed before a vast array of potentially immobilizing weapons, is the weak spot in any nation’s military assets. There are few international agreements protecting the individual soldier, and these rely on the good will of the combatants. Some nations, and terrorists of every stripe, don’t care about such agreements.

This article has used the term data-processing to demonstrate its importance to ascertaining what so-called information warfare and information operations are all about. Data-processing is the action this nation and others need to protect. Information is nothing more than the output of this activity. As a result, the emphasis on information-related warfare terminology (“information dominance,” “information carousel”) that has proliferated for a decade does not seem to fit the situation before us. In some cases the battle to affect or protect data-processing elements pits one mechanical system against another. In other cases, mechanical systems may be confronted by the human organism, or vice versa, since humans can usually shut down any mechanical system with the flip of a switch. In reality, the game is about protecting or affecting signals, waves, and impulses that can influence the data-processing elements of systems, computers, or people. We are potentially the biggest victims of information warfare, because we have neglected to protect ourselves.

Our obsession with a “system of systems,” “information dominance,” and other such terminology is most likely a leading cause of our neglect of the human factor in our theories of information warfare. It is time to change our terminology and our conceptual paradigm. Our terminology is confusing us and sending us in directions that deal primarily with the hardware, software, and communications components of the data-processing spectrum. We need to spend more time researching how to protect the humans in our data management structures. Nothing in those structures can be sustained if our operators have been debilitated by potential adversaries or terrorists who–right now–may be designing the means to disrupt the human component of our carefully constructed notion of a system of systems.
1. I. Chernishev, “Can Rulers Make `Zombies’ and Control the World?” Orienteer, February 1997, pp. 58-62.
2. Douglas Pasternak, “Wonder Weapons,” U.S. News and World Report, 7 July 1997, pp. 38-46.
3. Ibid., p. 38.
4. FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Graphics, 30 September 1997, p. 1-82.
5. Joint Pub 3-13.1, Joint Doctrine for Command and Control Warfare (C2W), 7 February 1996, p. v.
6. The American Heritage Dictionary (2d College Ed.; Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1982), p. 660, definition 4.
7. Denis Snezhnyy, “Cybernetic Battlefield & National Security,” Nezavisimoye Voyennoye Obozreniye, No. 10, 15-21 March 1997, p. 2.
8. Victor I. Solntsev, “Information War and Some Aspects of a Computer Operator’s Defense,” talk given at an Infowar Conference in Washington, D.C., September 1996, sponsored by the National Computer Security Association. Information in this section is based on notes from Dr. Solntsev’s talk.
9. Pasternak, p. 40.
10. Ibid., pp. 40-46.
11. Ibid.
12. Larry Dodgen, “Nonlethal Weapons,” U.S. News and World Report, 4 August 1997, p. 5.
13. “Background on the Aviary,” Nexus Magazine, downloaded from the Internet on 13 July 1997 from [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] p.7.
14. Aleksandr Cherkasov, “The Front Where Shots Aren’t Fired,” Orienteer, May 1995, p. 45. This article was based on information in the foreign and Russian press, according to the author, making it impossible to pinpoint what his source was for this reference.
15. Bob Brewin, “DOD looks for IT `golden nuggets,’” Federal Computer Week, 28 July 1997, p. 31, as taken from the Earlybird Supplement, 4 August 1997, p. B 17.
16. Oliver August, “Zap! Hard day at the office for NATO’s laptop warriors,” The Times, 28 July 1997, as taken from the Earlybird Supplement, 4 August 1997, p. B 16.
17. Ibid.
Lieutenant Colonel Timothy L. Thomas (USA Ret.) is an analyst at the Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Recently he has written extensively on the Russian view of information operations and on current Russian military-political issues. During his military career he served in the 82d Airborne Division and was the Department Head of Soviet Military-Political Affairs at the US Army’s Russian Institute in Garmisch, Germany.


Date d'inscription : 06/02/2010

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Message par zeugme Ven 28 Déc 2012 - 18:50

Le brevet semble vrai. Je viens de vérifier.
Visible à la minute 13:33 du film.
Voici le lien vers l'office américain des brevet numéro 6470214.

Pour l'instant c'est assez bluffant, je ne cache pas que j'ai abordé ce sujet avec une énorme dose de scepticisme voire même d'humour tant je trouvais çà incroyable. Je regarde la suite.

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Mind Control sur la population américaine des preuves sur documents Screen10

Dernière édition par zeugme le Ven 28 Déc 2012 - 19:07, édité 1 fois


Masculin Date d'inscription : 04/04/2011
Localisation : France

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Message par zeugme Ven 28 Déc 2012 - 18:51

Autre point : ne pas négliger l'aspect psy : j'entends des voix ... mais le brevet est bien là ... encore que rien ne prouve que ce soit utilisé à si grande échelle.


Masculin Date d'inscription : 04/04/2011
Localisation : France

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Message par zeugme Ven 28 Déc 2012 - 19:05

Comment une antenne apparemment non directionnelle peut-elle pointer seulement certaines personnes ?
On aurais plutôt envisagé un "broadcast" alors que seulement certaines personnes semblent visées (les TI, Targeted Individual).
Etrange ...

A moins que seulement certaines personnes y soient sensible ? Si oui, il ne devrait pas y avoir de corrélation entre-elles, or le documentaire semble entendre que les personnes ayant eu affaire avec le pouvoir, étant, disons, gênantes, sont atteinte.
Etrange ...

Ou alors, elles se sont vu implantée à leur insu une sorte de récepteur (partie métallique chez le dentiste par exemple) ??


Masculin Date d'inscription : 04/04/2011
Localisation : France

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Message par zeugme Ven 28 Déc 2012 - 19:20

Séquence qui se termine vers 32 min. La virée à l'antenne.
Pourquoi ne pas demander à chacun ce qu'il entends ???
Ca devrait être la même chose pour tous, mais cela ne semble pas être le cas ou bien çà n'est jamais demandé aux victimes. Quel domage ! Cela aurait pu être une sorte de preuve.
Comment explique que chacun entende une chose différente si c'est diffusé "en live" par une antenne ?
Enfin le fait que le son puisse être brouillé par "l'énergie" de l'antenne, çà ne prouve rien d'autre qu'elle pourrait être en fonctionnement, bon, et après ? On est au pied d'une antenne qui fonctionne, et alors ?

aucune analyse du spectre électromagnétique ... aucune tentative de réception micro-onde avec enregistrement d'un message : cela aurait définitivement été une preuve matérielle ... mais rien que du journalisme à sensation.

Manque cruel d'approche scientifique, comme toujours avec ce genre de documentaire. M'enfin, voyons la suite ...

Dernière édition par zeugme le Ven 28 Déc 2012 - 20:53, édité 1 fois


Masculin Date d'inscription : 04/04/2011
Localisation : France

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Message par zeugme Ven 28 Déc 2012 - 20:50

Pour finir, quelques témoignages qui semblent, cinématographiquement intéressant, mais qui pourraient être joué par des acteurs, impossible à vérifier.

conclusion générale : quelques faits montés en mayonnaise par un journaliste habile. Beaucoup de questions, peu d'éléments vérifiables mais aussi peu de mensonges faciles ou éhontés.

Bref, une hypothèse à creuser et probablement exagérée mais avec un fond d'éléments possibles, voire plausibles mais des accusations graves sont tout de même proférées sans vérifications solides par ces journalistes qui théorisent plus vite que leur ombre un complot.

A suivre, c'est intéressant. Ca m'a laissé sur ma faim.


Masculin Date d'inscription : 04/04/2011
Localisation : France

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Message par MichelT Ven 28 Déc 2012 - 22:49

Les recherches MK-Ultra ont été faites sur des cobayes humains souvent a leur insu. Alors il ne serait pas surprenant que ca continu pour le Mind Control sur certaines personnes.

Il y a pas mal d`informations a ce sujet en anglais.

Mind Control
les recherches de Delgado et de Tesla.
Les Gwen Towers
HAARP et Nicolas Tesla- pourquoi des installations si puissantes en Alaska, Norvege, Australie?

Il est a peu pres certain que il y a pas mal de relations entre la CIA, les services de renseignement US et les sectes sataniques - aux USA.

D`abord l`Église de Satan, l`Église de Seth et le Colonel Michael Aquino - qui travaillait sur le Mind Control - c`est prouvé et lui-meme le dit. Ensuite Charles Manson, le Process Church - de bonnes chances que il y ait eu des liens-

L`affaire du massacre en Guyanne de 900 personnes - le révérend Jim Jones travaillait en collaboration avec la CIA - c`est prouvé, c`était probablement une expérience de retour au féodalisme avec du mind control sur un large groupe. Expérience qui a viré au désastre.

Faites vos propre recherches.

Jésus, voyant tous ses amis endormis et tous ses ennemis vigilants, se remet tout entier a son Pere.



Date d'inscription : 06/02/2010

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Message par zeugme Sam 29 Déc 2012 - 15:36

MichelT a écrit:Les recherches MK-Ultra ont été faites sur des cobayes humains souvent a leur insu. Alors il ne serait pas surprenant que ca continu pour le Mind Control sur certaines personnes.

Il y a pas mal d`informations a ce sujet en anglais.

Mind Control
les recherches de Delgado et de Tesla.
Les Gwen Towers
HAARP et Nicolas Tesla- pourquoi des installations si puissantes en Alaska, Norvege, Australie?

Il est a peu pres certain que il y a pas mal de relations entre la CIA, les services de renseignement US et les sectes sataniques - aux USA.

D`abord l`Église de Satan, l`Église de Seth et le Colonel Michael Aquino - qui travaillait sur le Mind Control - c`est prouvé et lui-meme le dit. Ensuite Charles Manson, le Process Church - de bonnes chances que il y ait eu des liens-

L`affaire du massacre en Guyanne de 900 personnes - le révérend Jim Jones travaillait en collaboration avec la CIA - c`est prouvé, c`était probablement une expérience de retour au féodalisme avec du mind control sur un large groupe. Expérience qui a viré au désastre.

Bref, aucune preuve formelle !

... beaucoup de supposition, de probabilité, de conditionnel et de termes non quantifiés dans vos "preuves", je vous encourage a être plus prudent et à ne relayer que des faits, pas vos propres conclusions.
Comme vous le dites vous-même : faisons nos propres recherches, aidez-nous avec des pistes intéressantes, certes, mais épargnez nous vos conclusions que je trouve hative. Ou alors, soyez moins affirmatif et partagez vos hypothèses.
Pardons de vous reprendre aussi franchement, mais nous devons nous astreindre à une rigueur intellectuelle sans faille sur de tels sujets, surtout avec des affirmations de complot aussi énorme, si c'est vrai, c'est trés grave, donc beaucoup de prudence, si possible proportionnellement à l'importance des affirmations.

Résumé : soit vous partagez vos hypothèses, dans ce cas soyez moins affirmatif, plus prudent. On se reportera avec intérêt aux pistes, liens internet, que vous donnez.
Soit vous pensez réellement apporter des éléments à notre connaissance et alors çà manque cruellement de preuves et de faits tangibles contre vérifiable par de multiples sources.


Masculin Date d'inscription : 04/04/2011
Localisation : France

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Message par zeugme Sam 29 Déc 2012 - 15:48

Quand au projet MK-Ultra, nul besoin d'un complot pour envisager des actions illégales de la CIA :
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Qu'une agence gouvernementale agisse de manière illégale (et immorale au passage) n'implique pas un complot, mondial ou pas.

L'histoire de l'humanité est pavée de ce genre d'action : essais de bombe atomique sur des humains comme autre exemple connu.


Masculin Date d'inscription : 04/04/2011
Localisation : France

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Message par MichelT Sam 29 Déc 2012 - 16:32

Finalement me doutant de qui se cache derriere ce nom - j`aime mieux ne pas répondre -----

Jésus, voyant tous ses amis endormis et tous ses ennemis vigilants, se remet tout entier a son Pere.


Bonne année Zeugme!


Date d'inscription : 06/02/2010

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Message par zeugme Sam 29 Déc 2012 - 17:09

MichelT a écrit:Finalement me doutant de qui se cache derriere ce nom - j`aime mieux ne pas répondre -----
Bonne année Zeugme!
Je ne comprends pas votre phrase ... de quoi vous doutez-vous ?

Cela ressemble à un procès d'intention à mon égard et n'est pas très
1. scientifique et rationnel
2. charitable et chrétien.

Expliquez-vous ! (si toutefois vous le souhaitez ...)
Ou alors, on ne doit jamais vous contredire, c'est çà l'idée ?
Dans ce cas, à quoi bon poster dans ce forum ???
Si on ne discute pas, si on apprends pas la prudence et l'approche scientifique (comme pour l'analyse des miracles), qu'est-ce que çà apporte de relayer dans ce forum par rapport aux tonnes de truc qui trainent sur youtube et qui "prouvent" des complots ou l'existence des extraterrestres "parmi nous" ou encore la présence de géants ? (sans même parler des multiples fins du mondes pour demain ou après demain et autres faux prophètes en tout genre)

Je me répète :
zeugme a écrit:Pardon de vous reprendre aussi franchement, mais nous devons nous astreindre à une rigueur intellectuelle sans faille sur de tels sujets, surtout avec des affirmations de complot aussi énorme, si c'est vrai, c'est trés grave, donc beaucoup de prudence, si possible proportionnellement à l'importance des affirmations.
... la charité exige la vérité. Encore une fois : pardon si je suis trop brutal, je suis scientifique, peut-être est-ce la cause de ma brutalité dans ce domaine ?

MichelT a écrit:Bonne année Zeugme!
Bonne et sainte année à vous !


Masculin Date d'inscription : 04/04/2011
Localisation : France

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Message par MichelT Sam 29 Déc 2012 - 17:24

Désolé de mon erreur, je vous ai pris pour une personne déja expulsée du forum l`an dernier.

Bonne Année a vous!

Les liens entre des satanistes comme Aquino, le renseignement américains, des églises sataniques et le Mind Control sont prouvés -

Voici des informations et le documents de recherche sur la doctrine du Mind War écrite dans les années 1980 par le Colonel Vallely et et le Lt - Colonel Aquino ( qui est le fondateur de l`Église satanique de Seth et un proche de l`Église de Satan de Levay. ( un Lt-Colonel peut commander 800 hommes) - Aquino a été nommé dans le scandale de pédophilie, d`abus sexuels et de sacrifices humains présumés - le Franklin Case au Nébraka - faites donc vos recherche!

From PSYOP to Mindwar: The Psychology of Victory" is a military paper on psychological warfare, written by Lt. Col. Michael Aquino and Col. Paul E. Vallely in 1980. It was sent, writes Aquino, "to various governmental offices, agencies, commands and publications involved or interested in PSYOP." I think it bears a close read now, because it describes a top-down psychological conditioning Americans may find familiar. And it's not insignificant to note that co-author Vallely is now senior military analyst for FOX News.

( Je viens de noter que l`ex Colonel Vallely qui a écrit le papier Mindwar avec Aquino a été engagé comme analyste militaire par le réseau d`information FOX NEWS - sur une force militaire de 2 millions d`hommes et de centaines de milliers d`officiers c`est par hasard que ils l`ont choisi - lui !)

Who is Aquino? A since-retired Lieutenant Colonel, Military Intelligence, and special-forces officer. Also, for many years, an avowed Satanist, and founder of the "Temple of Set." Aquino's name frequently appears in ritual child abuse cases which appear to have military-intelligence sanction or protection - the Franklin and Presidio scandals, for instance (A good introduction to Aquino and this subject is "Uncle Sam Wants Your Children": [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] - part three of "The Pedophocracy," which begins here: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] ). Aquino has never been convicted, so is either innocent or well protected.

And who is Vallely? "The senior military analyst for FOX News Channel and guest on many nationally syndicated radio talk shows, Paul E. Vallely retired in 1991 from the U.S. Army as Deputy Commanding General, U.S. Army, and Pacific in Honolulu, Hawaii." [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

Aquino has said that "assorted cranks tried to make a public issue out of this paper just because of its catchy title.... That paper had no connection to MK-Ultra, nor Paperclip, nor any crazy Nazi experiments."

Even if one believes Aquino, and dismisses suggestion that he is part of covert-sanctioned research into occult mind control (another CIA interest inherited from the Nazi doctors rescued by Project Paperclip), the implications of "Mindwar" are fairly chilling. And rather familiar, I should think, to anyone living through the Bush years.

Here's a .pdf of "From Psyop to Mindwar" which Aquino has posted, with a new introduction, on his "Temple of Set" website:
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Some excerpts:

", in fact, the strategy to which tactical warfare must conform if it is to achieve maximum effectiveness. The MindWar scenario must be preeminent in the mind of the commander and must be the principal factor in his every field decision. Otherwise he sacrifices measures which actually contribute to winning the war to measures of immediate, tangible satisfaction. (Consider the rational for 'body counts' in Vietnam).

..."In its strategic context, MindWar must reach out to friends, enemies, and neutrals alike across the globe -- neither through primitive "battlefield" leaflets and loudspeakers of PSYOP nor through the weak, imprecise, and narrow effort of psychotronics - but through the media possessed by the United States which have the capabilities to reach virtually all people on the face of the Earth. These media are, of course, the electronic media -- television and radio. State of the art developments in satellite communication, video recording techniques, and laser and optical transmission of broadcasts made possible a penetration of the minds of the worlds such as would have been inconceivable just a few years ago. Like the sword Excalibur, we have but to reach out and seize this tool; and it can transform the world for us if we have the courage and the integrity to civilization with it. If we do not accept Excalibur, then we relinquish our ability to inspire foreign cultures with our morality. If they then desire moralities unsatisfactory to us, we have no choice but to fight them on a more brutish level.

..."Unlike PSYOP, MindWar has nothing to do with deception or even with 'selected' -- and therefore misleading -- truth. Rather it states a whole truth that, if it does not now exist, will be forced into existence by the will of the United States. The examples of Kennedy's ultimatum to Khrushchev during the Cuban Missile Crisis and Hitler's stance at Munich might be cited. A MindWar message does not have to fit conditions of abstract credibility as do PSYOP there; its source makes it credible. As Livy once said: 'The terror of the Roman name will be such that the world shall know that, once a Roman army had laid siege to a city, nothing will move it -- not the rigors or winter nor the weariness of months and years -- that it knows no end but victory and is ready, in a swift and sudden stroke will not serve, to preserve until that victory is achieved.'

..."For the mind to believe in its own decisions, it must feel that it made those decisions without coercion. Coercive measures used by the operative, consequently, must not be detectable by ordinary means. There is no need to resort to mind-weakening drugs such as those explored by the CIA; in fact the exposure of a single such method would do unacceptable damage to MindWar's reputation for truth. Existing PSYOP identifies purely-sociological factors which suggest appropriate idioms for messages. Doctrine in this area is highly developed, and the task is basically one of assembling and maintaining individuals and teams with enough expertise and experience to apply the doctrine effectively. This, however, is only the sociological dimension of target receptiveness measures. There are some purely natural conditions under which minds may become more or less receptive to ideas, and MindWar should take full advantage of such phenomena as atmospheric electromagnetic activity (12), air ionization (13), and extremely low frequency waves (14).

Quand a Aquino et l`Église de Seth voici deux documents vidéos intéressants - meme si il a fini comme Général dans la réserve américaine - il était haut-placé dans le renseignement militaire américain

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Date d'inscription : 06/02/2010

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Message par zeugme Sam 29 Déc 2012 - 22:19

Je vais étudier toutes ces information intéressantes, merci.

De fait, je ne suis pas étonné que l'église de Satan s’intéresse au contrôle des masses mais on est loin d'un complot gouvernemental.
C'est la tentative (vaine puisque le Christ Jésus est déjà vainqueur) d'une secte satanique de prendre le pouvoir sur le monde.


Masculin Date d'inscription : 04/04/2011
Localisation : France

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Message par zeugme Sam 26 Jan 2013 - 21:23

Voici un témoignage que j'ai trouvé intéressant, qui ne constitue pas une preuve au sens scientifique, c'est juste un témoignage.
La personne, sans mentir tout le temps, ne dit probablement pas la vérité tout le temps, sans compter les erreurs sincères qu'elle peut commettre.
Toujours est-il que c'est intéressant (et long 10 fois 15 min).

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Les conclusions que j'ai retenue :
  • Jésus est le plus fort
  • Satan se déchaine
  • Dans son déchainement, il favorise des complôts
  • Son but est connu depuis toute éternité : la perte de l'homme.
  • Jésus est le plus fort, la simple prière d'un pauvre pêcheur sauve un sataniste engagé ayant gravi les nombreux échelon de plusieurs sociétés occultes/sécrètes/satanistes.


Masculin Date d'inscription : 04/04/2011
Localisation : France

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